Fairytale Ending | Teen Ink

Fairytale Ending

September 13, 2008
By Anonymous

I was lost
you found me.
All hope was gone
of finding love again.
But you brought hope
you brought light to my day!
Oh all the things
I could say
about the love we have today.
I dreamed of other guys
but then you looked into my eyes.
I couldn't speak of it to anyone
for I was to young to be in love
and in love with another man.
But he broke my heart
and there you stand.
You gave me love, hope, happiness,
and the strength to go on with you
forever in my arms.
All the trials that we have faced
have been set aside
which gives us our fairytale ending.

The author's comments:
This poem was written about my ex boyfriend who I still love. I hope you understand what an amazing love we had together and still have. He was the most amazing guy I have ever met in my life. I hope you enjoy!

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