Your Existence Lives Within | Teen Ink

Your Existence Lives Within

September 15, 2008
By Anonymous

Discover the lies between my eyes
and untie the braided path i lead
Tear down the wall i worked to build
and shatter my heart with no sympathy

There is a place where all things heal
and a time where strength will prevail
A chosen act and path of course
can no longer seal a broken deal

When one walks out another walks in
but an empty hole forever remains
The door may close but never locks
for your existence will always live within

The author's comments:
I've lived a life where I've been lucky enough to have a great group of friends, I've always been able to rely on them as they can rely on me. I've lost a great deal of loved ones, and in my heart they will always be. In writing this poem, I think that a great deal of people can relate. You go through stages in your life where you have obstacles to overcome and your friends/family will always mean a great deal to you. This poem was written about a large majority of people who have entered my life and will forever be remembered.

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