I'm From | Teen Ink

I'm From

September 18, 2008
By Anonymous

I'm form scary stories and night
and staying up late till the bed bugs bite
I'm form where it never rains, I'm from the summer nights and bright stars in the sky
I'm from "Red Rover Red Rover" and "Tag your it"
I'm from the california sunset and getting my feet wet.
I'm from my grandpa Frank and my grandma Bennie
I'm from grass stains on my pants and mudd all over my shoes.
I'm from "Cat and Dog", "Out of the Box" and "3 Angry Beavers."
I'm from Jacob E. Manch Elementary School, and you got to play by the rules!
I'm From four square and color by number
An finally...
I'm from the Big Bad Wollf and Little Miss Muffet!

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