Big Blue Charming Eyes | Teen Ink

Big Blue Charming Eyes

May 22, 2013
By emilynicole95 SILVER, Osceola, Indiana
emilynicole95 SILVER, Osceola, Indiana
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There was a boy with charming eyes.
There was a girl who believed them.
But behind those big blue charming eyes, were only lies.
That would sentence her heart, forever condemned.
He was the kind of guy, who held her hand,
Opened doors, treated her right.
He played the part of a gentleman,
Made her smile, held her tight.
But she wasn’t the only one.
He opened doors for other girls,
Held their hand, everything for her he’d done.
And to think she thought that dating had rules.
He broke her heart,
She broke his bike.
Took it and just smashed it apart!
Look like he’s going to have to take a hike.
He was the boy with charming eyes.
She was the girl who made him pay for his lies.

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