The Seventh Seal | Teen Ink

The Seventh Seal

September 19, 2008
By Anonymous

The sound of Poseidon’s fist hammering on the ship’s knees
As Man grasped dearly aboard his dreams during the gush,
His ship sways and wobbles uncontrollably in the azure sea
Like a toy top’s endeavor to balance on a single point.

Death looking from the dense, mysterious, foggy air
He glances at his watch in anticipation for the Seventh Seal
Time, the despotic tyrant, ticking away without care
Mocking Man’s dreams with zeal

The thick fog dissipates and there is Land in Sight!
But is there enough time before the opening of the seventh door?
The waves swell and gain might
Poseidon is holding man and his dreams from the shore

Man holds on and the ship goes faster,
Poseidon gazed, amused at the lamb
The god thrusts his Trident causing disaster

Man and his Dreams is thrown forward towards shore
Tired from his crusade he collapses nearly dead
In Joy and Sadness Man Cries, “Oh Lord”
While his dreams cruises towards the beachhead

Times up, The Seventh Seal opens and all abhor…
But All is not lost, it ends in stalemate.
As his dreams docked onto shore,
Death taketh away the man to heaven’s gate,
While the Angels play their trumpets as all are engulfed by an infinite abyss…

The author's comments:
The piece is mainly about a person's dream being mocked by time. As time run out the seventh seal opens which I is the end of the world in the bible and a movie.

Anyway, I hope that you understand the underlying message is that there isn't enough time in life so use every second wisely. Other than that, enjoy.

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