the path unkown 1 and 2 | Teen Ink

the path unkown 1 and 2

September 21, 2008
By Jessicunt GOLD, Jennings, Louisiana
Jessicunt GOLD, Jennings, Louisiana
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The best way to waste your life, ... is by taking notes. The easiest way to avoid living is to just watch. Look for the details. Report. Don&#039;t participate.&rdquo;<br /> <br /> Chuck Palahniuk<br /> <br /> &ldquo;We all die. The goal isn&#039;t to live forever, the goal is to create someth

in this lieing would we call home
where not a soul dares to roam
we find ourselves journeying
onto the path unknown

in this lifeless world we call home
where noone even dares to roam
we find ourselves journeying
onto the path unknown

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