Life Is Temporary | Teen Ink

Life Is Temporary

May 29, 2013
By DiegoS.V BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
DiegoS.V BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Vox et praeterea nihil"

We are nothing but temporal beings
For life itself is a temporal condition
And love and hate are temporal feelings
For death, to come, needs no permission

So time is a bandit, time is a felon
Time is the robber of dreams and glories
For it takes a moment to blink, and be gone
Leaving nothing but memories and untold stories

Now every flame has a deadline
Where light and love meet their end
The sharp blade of death, like bitter wine
And whatever time failed to mend

So let love be loved, let songs be sung
While time may still allow to
Let out a whisper, a word or a sign
Let love and life be intertwined

For we are nothing but temporal beings
And time is but a relative state
Let us use our time to confess feelings
For death will come, nor soon nor late

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