Secrets Poetry | Teen Ink

Secrets Poetry

May 31, 2013
By Poetgurl17 BRONZE, Chaska, Minnesota
Poetgurl17 BRONZE, Chaska, Minnesota
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Chapter 1: Prolouge
Never Forgiven
Love is in my opinion hatred. But we can't stop a person or how they feel, so if you really loved someone you would be there every second of that persons life . You would be there when they needed you the most. Don't just hang around for a couple days and then leave because your scared of how you feel. Don't lie and never come back, and don't ever forget what they say to because everything they say has an i love you or i miss you in it.
Who loves when they don't know what love is?
Who misses when they don't know what their missing?
My Thoughts
Love is something you hold onto, love is something you feel. Love is something you cherish, love is life. Love is something you say yes and no to because your not sure of yourself and your scared of what might happen in the end. This is love, but there's one thing about love... it hurts... love hurts, love is pain.

Chapter 2: Entry 1
Who am I?
Who am I?
No one knows
No one tries
No one can tell me, not even me myself and I
I need a path, trail, but no one can tell...
Tell me who I am.
I don't know who I am...
Am I just anybody?
Am I special or talented?
Am I put to shame?
Am I despicable or relentless?
Who am I?
Who will I become?
Who's going to tell me if i don't?
Who am I to tell?
Who am I in this cold blooded world?
Who am I?

Chapter 3: Entry 2
I Remember
I remember when you left me
I remember when you said i miss you.
I remember when you said i love you.
I remember that all you said was a lie.
Talking on the phone whenever you called, I cannot tell you how much I did not like this.
You said you loved me, you said you were coming, but now I know your not coming nor calling.
I remember.
You said all these things, all these things, but what did they mean?
I cant say how much you hurt me and broke my heart, but when I'm older I will have a better heart.
You hurt me, and I am sad, this will be in my memory forever , you broke my heart.
I remember your face clear as a winter's day
But now it's a disgrace.
I remember.

Chapter 4: Entry 3
Me, Myself, and I (Alone)
Feeling all alone with no one to hold.
Crying like I just cant be me.
Barely standing on my feet, with only to meet me, myself, and I, so I do have a reason to cry?
Just on my own with me, myself, and I.
I feel so alone.. Holding my breath forever.
Me, myself, and I never getting better.
This is truly forever.
I'm here alone in the dark, so dark and quiet that I could hear m own heart beating.
Don't start, yeah you in my head.
I'm alone there's no one with me.
Truly alone.
I am home, being alone is home.
Me, myself, and I.

Chapter 5: Enrty 4
Silence (You Don't Hear a Word I Say)

I see and feel two different thing's you see and feel.
You feel regretful and sorry about what you said.
You see that you don't have another chance.
I see that I have a great life, I only need one person in my life to get me through the thing's I go through.
The thing's that I go through because of you.
I feel like I have one heart that's split into two, one is healthy and happy...
the other confused with questions and hurt in life no matter what happens next.
When I cry we don't see eye to eye.
You don't hear a word I say.
Silence feels the emptiness that is in my eyes.
Silence from you and I is no surprise.
You and I will ever see eye to eye.

Chapter 6: Enrty 5
Yell, Fight, Scream, or Dream.
Fighting, yelling, screaming, that's all I've been dreaming.
Waking in the night just to hear the scream and fight.
Waiting for it to take flight in the night.
So I can be out like a light.
Yell, fight, scream, but does it mean?
Hurting yourselves and I just so you can lie and I can cry.
Yell, fight, scream, it's all just a scheme.
Walk, run, dive it's all just a lie, but one day it'll be you and I.
Out like a light, but first lets scream and fight.
take flight of the night just so I ca dream of the yelling, fighting, and screaming.
I'll be bleeding love at the end before it begins.
Yell, fight, and scream, but remember it's just a dream.

Chapter 7: Entry 6
No ones here to dry up the flood of my crying heart.
Do you still feel the same about me, or am I just invisible for eternity?
I see you like a shadow in the clouds, your not fully showing yourself but your still there.
Am I the lightening to your thunder?
Are you ever going to uncover whats under?
Tell the truth to all these questions and I'll promise you one thing...
The one thing you've always wanted... to be forgotten, to be alone in the dark, and never be in the light again
I didn't think a shadow could be so powerful...
Following me into the light, just to make sure I'm doing everything you wanted.
Your so dark yet I can see you clearly.
Why is that my love?

Chapter 8: Entry 7
I Thought
You tell me a lie to get around another lie, then you tell me the truth when I start to cry.
Why do I have to get teary eyed?
Why do I have to go through this day and night?
I thought that you loved me...
I guess that you don't.
I thought you wanted to treat me like a queen?
But you couldn't have known.
I thought you could see the glow in m eyes, that was no surprise.
But I guess that was all a lie.
To get me trapped in my own heart was just a start.
To get me teary eyed and fall apart.

Chapter 9: Entry 8
Bleeding Love
Bleeding love is all I do.
In my dreams, in m heart, in my eyes.
Love is what I bleed out when I have doubt.
Screams is like piercing sounds I make when I wake in the night.
I try to fight, but I lose.
Just like I lost you.
Just like you, I ran away.
Running away is what I do.
I eat like you, talk like you, I'm even built like you.
But what can I do? Nothing.
You chose you over me.
So I keep bleeding this love for you, never for me just you.
All I've been through with you, all I can say is...
I'm bleeding all my love for you.

Chapter 10: Entry 9
Love comes and goes...
But you never know.
You and I could be history, you know we could make history.
Love is not a word, it's what you
Love is strong
Make sure you hold onto it forever
Kiss me and I promise I'll make it last forever
hug me and I'll tell you my secrets forever
See the reason why I love you...
And then I'll know you love me too.

Chapter 11: Entry 10
Loving someone could be anything.
It could be just for the money, pleasure, looks.
But there's only one word for that heartless.
Heartless is like being an alien, you don't know to feel, touch, smell, or even see nor hear the person you love.
Being heartless is not being in love with someone or not caring for them.
It's not being able to be yourself for them or you.
Heartless pictures and memory's going through your mind.
You wondering how you could've not been heartless or cause pain to your love.
Kiss them.
Hug them.
Cause being heartless is just another way of saying...
I don't love you.

Chapter 12: Entry 11
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I don't know what it is but I can't stop thinking about you.
Your sweet eyes
Your sweet lips
Give me one more chance and I promise I won't miss
Miles apart, oceans away.
Why won't you give me your heart?
Why does it have to be this way?
Violets are fading, roses are dying...
Please stop me from crying.

Chapter 13: Entry 12
I Don't Wanna Wait For You
I don't wanna wait for you.
I don't wanna let you make the same mistake.
I need some time to get over you but I'll always love you.
Thing's would be different if you didn't lie to me.
I felt played and I'm stuck between you and my best friend.
I can't choose but I can gain or loose.
It was so easy to trust you.
I guess that was a stupid mistake.
I can't get away from you, I guess that's one of the reasons why I can't get you out of my mind.
I don't wanna see no more.
I thought we were true.
But I guess this is what's best for you.
You can bandage the damage but you can never really fix my heart.
You have a hollowed out heart but it's heavy in your chest, I try so hard to fight it but it's hopeless, your hopeless.
It's been 5 months since we last spoke in laughs .
you can't take back what we never had.
I can only be manipulated so many times before I love you starts to sound like a lie.
Every time I look at you, I see the guilt in your eyes.
That's when you walk away as the tears roll down from my eyes.
You tried so hard to tear me down.
But i'm still standing on my feet.
I don't wanna see you no more.
I don't wanna wait for you.
I don't wanna see you walk out this time.
Would it make you feel better to watch me while I bleed?
My heart is always with you, but I can't be.
I'm done waiting for you.
You showed your true colors, and I saw the real you.
I honestly think you turned out to be the best thing I never had.

The author's comments:
Poems filled with emotion for everyone to connect with their life. Mostly love poems.

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