Birds of a Feather | Teen Ink

Birds of a Feather

June 15, 2013
By Zira76 BRONZE, San Diego, California
Zira76 BRONZE, San Diego, California
2 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
“The only difference between an artist and a lunatic is, perhaps, that the artist has the restraint or courtesy to conceal the intensity of his obsession from all except those similarly afflicted.”
~ Osbert Sitwell

The whitest doves in their perfection
become obsessed with self selection
They all live on, so reassured
That everything different must be impure

When faced with a bird of an opposite color,
Whom the doves assume has value much smaller,
Such as the ravens, viewed as inferior
Become mistreated because of their exterior.

Ripped from their nests and put in cages
To toil forever, without any wages
For the greedy doves think them undeserving
of anything more than serving

For generations, they were oppressed
Until their mistreatment was finally addressed
But doves are white, and ravens are black
Still separated by the quills on their back

Why, oh why can't all birds fly free
And live, side by side, in civility.
When, oh when will birds of a feather
Stop hating each other and work together?

The author's comments:
Even at first glance, this poem is not just about birds. I first got the idea for this poem from U.S. history and the event of slavery. However, I knew I didn't just want to write about it, but I felt that I should symbolically illustrate it. The idea to use birds came to me when I heard a friend talking about a dove being the sign of purity, or peace. My mind immediately made the connection to my work in progress. In the end, not only did I want to depict the horrors of slavery, but I also wanted to pass on this message to readers; problems like these (slavery, discrimination) do indeed exist in the world. By remembering the past, we can help to mend the wounds that history has torn into humanity's legacy. However, we can only mend them when we begin to understand each other. In order to do this, we must push aside our differences, which I assure you is no simple task. So let's take a first step. Let's view this world with open minds and open hearts. Many people in this world, including myself, dream of a future when, without malice towards one another, we can finally work together.
It is our job to make that a reality.

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