Remember | Teen Ink


July 12, 2013
By Samuel Zhang PLATINUM, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Samuel Zhang PLATINUM, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
25 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Emptiness chalked out the day we first met,
solemnity soaking through, hair dripping wet
I asked why you were standing there, alone in the cold
but the only sound I could hear, was the silence of the rain.

As tempests of torrents thundered from the sky,
streams over your cheeks flowed from your eyes,
with no voice to speak, lonely and melancholic
I stood standing by your side, as it poured.

I tried to wipe your tears, one by one,
washing away your sorrows, drop by drop,
I’ll never understand why, you’d never tell
I’ll never know how you felt, just as well.

I promise I’ll protect you from now on
from everything that hurts you, deep inside
It’s not going to be perfect, because that’s life
but I promise I’ll make it better than before.

The next time you hear the spring song,
I hope you will smell the pitter-pattering freshness
and smile brightly, because after the shower
a colourful rainbow will light up your darkness.

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