The Love I Long For | Teen Ink

The Love I Long For

July 20, 2013
By lildino4eva BRONZE, Bedford, New Hampshire
lildino4eva BRONZE, Bedford, New Hampshire
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Hakuna Matata!"

Attitude is the key to most hearts but you are my key.
Best friend I’ve ever had in my middle school love life.
Clueless about how I truly feel about me and you.
Desperately trying to get closer to you and your heart.
Everyone keeping us apart.
Friends is only what you think of us as.
Grateful is what I am for having the opportunity of knowing you.
Heart full of love is what I have to give you.
Ignorant for not admitting it to my heart.
Joyous feelings when I see you overcome the missing pieces.
Kindness is all you are inside and out.
Loving every word you say to me, the good and the bad.
Mad is what I am at myself for not telling you when I had the chance.
Never stop thinking about you.
Organizing my thoughts when I start to build up the courage to tell you.
Precious time wasted on being too afraid to pull you aside and say “I like you.”
Quiet is how I become when you get near.
“Relax! I like you too.” is all I need to hear.
Sensitive is how I am when I’m dealing with my love life.
Trauma is what I’m afraid will occur when you finally learn the truth.
Underneath your disregard I hope you feel the same way I do inside.
Violence won’t help our cause any, it’ll just make it worse.
Wonderful times together could mean we’re meant to be just friends, or even more.
X-ray my body is like what you do, cause you see right through me.
Yearn for your attention is all I do and more than you’ll ever think about knowing.
Zesty arguments fill the room when we’re together.
Does that mean we don’t stand a chance, or does this mean its might only be the beginning of “US!”

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