sitting here | Teen Ink

sitting here

October 3, 2008
By Anonymous

Here I sit
Looking towards the sky
Here I sit
Trying to figure out why
Why the world is cruel
And everyone has to be so mean
Why everyone can’t see clear
And why everything is obscene
As I sit here in my bed
I wonder why
Everything turns out how it does
Why time always flies by
As I sit on my bed
Thoughts of the past
Fill my head
Sitting here
Being all alone
I try to figure out
Where is my home
Sitting here
Not believing what I’m hearing
I listen to them scream and yell
And feel my eyes start tearing
I figured out why
I’m here on my own
Why everyone left me
Why I feel all alone
Why I’m so hurt
And why I’m so sad
Most of all
Why I lost what I had
People change and so does life
You can hand someone your heart
They will stab it with a knife
You think you can trust
Then it all falls apart
Someone new will come to help you
Through all your hard times
But you better hope they don’t hurt you
Or it will all tumble down
Find someone you know you can trust
And then don’t ever let that relationship rust

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