The Endless Journey | Teen Ink

The Endless Journey

September 11, 2013
By Strange_but_Cute BRONZE, Bigfork, Montana
Strange_but_Cute BRONZE, Bigfork, Montana
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"EVIL is just LIVE spelled backwards." - J R

I am a raindrop
Falling with the ever blowing wind
Clouds like smoke covering the world
Traveling miles with no real direction
Trying my hardest to reach the thick green cushion below me
Yet never quite getting there
Forever being pushed away by desperate being
All trying to find our way down
The endless journey to our dreams drifting
Farther and farther away in our minds
A distant memory
Effortlessly floating into the abyss
What feels like eternity may simply be a day
Or an hour, or maybe even a second
There is no time no feeling no thought just me
A bad trip with no beginning and no end

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