Two years of fatherly absence | Teen Ink

Two years of fatherly absence

October 2, 2013
By AlexiusCelia SILVER, Leetsdale, Pennsylvania
AlexiusCelia SILVER, Leetsdale, Pennsylvania
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Two years accompanied by lack of acknowledgement.
A confused child can feel left for abandonment.
730 days seeming wrongfully dedicated,
A relationship that should be strong is then faded.

As a child I heard tales of a fathers love-
Dreams and hopes that seemed unheard of.
I realize now, my story is far from average
And won't be rewritten after so much damage.

During my 16th year in the middle of June,
We planned a vacation where I would see him soon.
I was shocked at how little he knew of me,
But happy for he was taking advantage of the opportunity. When I returned home, I had a story to tell
Of my lonely adventure and happy farewell.
After short thoughts and a quick reevaluation,
I realized I wasn't a daughter, but a legal obligation.

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