Soaring on Hope | Teen Ink

Soaring on Hope

December 16, 2013
By DQink BRONZE, Norco, Louisiana
DQink BRONZE, Norco, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Stand for what you believe in, even if it means you stand alone"

I wish I could see what the birds see
Happy, complete homes all around
I wish I could see what the birds see
The vivid colors that engulf the heavens’ beautiful towns
I wish I could say what parrots say
Meaningless words that wouldn’t cut the ones I love
I wish I could say what parrots say
If I wanted to, I’d be gone in the blink of an ‘eye’
I wish I could look how Eagles look
Wings far apart soaring in the heavens
I wish I could look how Eagles look
Strong, confident, and fearless
I wish I could be loud like a mockingbird
I’d let the whole world hear my cry
I wish I could be loud like a mockingbird
Then maybe the world would understand how it feels to have to say your final good bye
I’m good with being the perfect me
I know one day, I’ll see what that Eagle can see

I’m good with being the perfect me
I know I loved my brother, my friend till’ his deadly end
I’m good with being the perfect me
I have a departed treasure in heaven soaring around the clouds happily
And one day, we’ll be a perfect united family

The author's comments:
My little brother's passing inspired me to write this piece. I didn't think death could happen to anyone close to me, but realty hit me quickly at a young age.

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