Dreams | Teen Ink


January 4, 2014
By Nhamo SILVER, Hamilton, New Jersey
Nhamo SILVER, Hamilton, New Jersey
9 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
There isn't any beauty without any strangeness

So there I was dreaming about something light,but then all of a sudden the heavens cry, and spirits came rushing to my side. They were so confused they looked at me for help to guide them through.I didn't know what to tell them,I'm saying the truth,but they were all certain i was the one to help them past their blues.I didn't know what to say or do so i just stood there while they wait for me to help them through.I ran from them,what a crazy thing to do, they chased me down the hill through and through.There was just so many people back then and new ,the old ones said ' lil girl,if you dont help us,what would you lose? instead you would gain something true and true ' just by being me i didn't know what they meant, so i walked my merry way away.But what i didn't know was Mandela was there too , he said to me 'Africa's daughter please stop singing the blues,help yourself,so you can be happy again like you use to! And for the sake of things smile more, you're such a beauty when you do!You should be happy you still have things to do, remember to forgive so i can see you one day here too' Then i woke up ,I smiled for the rest of the day as happy as could be , so maybe i could be by Africa's father as humble and pretty as could be.

The author's comments:
This piece is in the memory of Nelson Mandela.

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