Ode to Trees | Teen Ink

Ode to Trees

February 26, 2014
By Colby.Brown1999 BRONZE, Murphy, North Carolina
Colby.Brown1999 BRONZE, Murphy, North Carolina
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Standing in the woods is a tree.
Its bark is dark and brown.
His leaves wave to the sky.
A bird is perched on a branch.

The tree is ever-changing.
His leaves turn from green to golden-brown.
This tree is not alone in the forest.
He has many friends.

This tree is a shelter for many critters.
When I look at the tree it gives me jitters.
But soon your life will end.
And you will hit the ground.
But do not worry dear tree.
You will make a great rocking chair.

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Ode to Trees

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