IN LOVE | Teen Ink


February 21, 2014
By Ashmeet PLATINUM, New Delhi, Other
Ashmeet PLATINUM, New Delhi, Other
21 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" If I accept sunshine and warmth ....
then I should also accept thunder and lightning...!!! "

Neither with word nor with reply
I’ll vanish from your life without saying goodbye
You are in my heart, I know
But still sometime I feel so low
I don’t know but you have become a part
I just cannot understand how to get you out of my heart
The last day when I saw you , your face was with tears
I don’t know what has happened to me but I felt very weird
Your staying there pinches me deep down here
I think about you day and night
I don’t know what is happening inside
I don’t know what is happening but
I want to talk to you all lifelong
I don’t know if love is taking place
I don’t know if ever you will feel the same
I am left here alone with only this strain
I don’t know what to do at this cursed time
but from deep inside my heart
I want you to be mine
This experience which I had never before
making me change even more.
When someone calls me from behind
I think only of you, just hoping to see you
It was a struggle for me to breath,
when you gave me those looks
but I was still at ease...
I felt shy when your fingers ran through my hands
The warmth of your touch was very strong
I could remember that moment all lifelong....
The time I sleep make me dream about you
I always see you with me and wait for any day
if this dream comes true...
Thoughtless was I when I thought about you
my compassion, love and feeling are so true
This time I am unable to control my patience
I want to talk you about our relation
I don’t know what to do at this cursed time
I just want to be with you because I have realized
that you have become an inseparable part of my life
I want to be with you because my love is so true
But if you will mind, I will vanish out of your life...
My heart is shrinking day by day
I am getting a feeling to die today...!!!

The author's comments:
Love is the most real and true feeling ... !!!

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This article has 1 comment.

Manshu said...
on Mar. 5 2014 at 8:00 am
heart touching god bless you