A Nightmare With No End | Teen Ink

A Nightmare With No End

April 4, 2014
By Jenna Kremers SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Jenna Kremers SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

War is a bloody heart wrenching thing
everyday men and women risk their lives
not knowing which new horror will bring
each loss cutting their hearts like knives

Soldiers lost everyday to enemies
bring fresh pain and sorrow
yet the risk their lives to protect our country
not even knowing if they’ll live to see tomorrow

Warm is a nightmare with no end
because who knows when another one will begin
it’s an on going thing that lurks around every bend
the answer is not if but when

War is a bloody heart wrenching thing
everyday men and women risk their lives
not knowing which new horror each day will bring
each loss cutting their hearts like knives

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