Almost Lost | Teen Ink

Almost Lost

November 20, 2008
By Anonymous

I need someone to talk to,
to keep me sane.
I drown out any laughter.
I cry for what could have happened.
True, but a part of me has died.
I will never look at the sunny fall leaves
the same again.
I must stay strong.
How long with that last?
I'm a new person.
I have to be,
we must survive,
for the love of one another.
My elders are my heros
My heart and soul battle,
hoping one will dominate the other.
My head spins with pounding emotion.
Perhaps it's the loud music which
I may go deaf of.
Is there a reason for life?
To love and keep everyone alive.
Until their hearts are too tired to beat.
People love you.
My breath keeps me grateful.
Who knows, I might spare you a breath.
a tear,
a laugh,
or my world.
I'll remember this day forever.
That day,
that time,
that moment I could have lost one of the
most important people in my life.
I love you Daddy.

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