The Elite,the Wise Ones | Teen Ink

The Elite,the Wise Ones

May 23, 2014
By MattSpen BRONZE, Sacramento, California
MattSpen BRONZE, Sacramento, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't know if it's my favorite, but, it is the truest of sayings I've heard!

"If anything can go wrong---it will go wrong."

They are, The Elite, the Wise Ones'
Sentinels and Vanguards of years gone by

They are, The Elite, the Wise Ones'
Relics of by gone times, Guardians of memories

They are, The Elite, the Wise Ones'
Silver-haired, Regal to the last, Keepers of tradition

They are, The Elite, the Wise Ones'
Parents, Grandparents, Holders of faith, of a generation past

They are, The Elite, the Wise Ones'
Saying goodbye in all but words, it's time to take leave, make room, to start again

The author's comments:
Matthew S. Mitchell, a young writer on the rise. His fanbase, growing with each new poem, and story, dazzles us with his unique perspective of the world. His vivid imagery and love for the natural and simple life, seeks to remind us all to slow down, look around and appreciate lifes small details. Matthew is currently working on a collection of poetry set for publication in the fall---just in time for those colorful leaves dotting the ground, and our lives with golden moments of color; and shortly thereafter a murder mystery wrapped in bloody red for christmas publication---can't wait!

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