The Freight Train | Teen Ink

The Freight Train

May 27, 2014
By Aluminumfoil222 BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
Aluminumfoil222 BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It's big and proud,
The train's more than a little loud,
A snake stretching miles long,
Chanting out that rapid song,
Many a hobo and his bindle,
This train, dreams it shall kindle,
The whistle like a lullaby,
Blowing smoke up to the sky.
Johnny ran, hopped on this train,
Shouting out his old refrain:
"I am a man of constant sorrow,"
And I've no money left to borrow,
Now speeding past brook and stream
Faster than a ten-horse team,
Johnny hit the track,
He ain't never coming back.

The author's comments:
I was inspired by trains and Jimmy Dean's "Freight Train Blues."

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