Discover Change.... | Teen Ink

Discover Change....

June 26, 2014
By Chandal BRONZE, Queens, New York
Chandal BRONZE, Queens, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Remind Yourself that is okay not to be perfect"

Discover a world of happieness
A world where not a soul
Would judge
Or frankly give a fudge
Discover new words
In the dictionary of love
Find the meaning of life and the purpose of ones inner strife
Discover one another
And accept eachother
Find the truth
Discover the lies
Because sooner or later
Everyone dies
Don't be afriad to fall
Or even stand tall
Discover peace
Feel harmony
Understand differences
Open your mind
To knowledge
Let it expand
Let it become your own land
Dicover your own Happiness
A world where you would not judge another
But help eachother

The author's comments:
The beauty of discovering not only yourself, but others is true magic that no one can technically put in words but can surely feel.What inspired me was a quote that I once came across that said the true beauty in a person is the ability to see the beauty in others.

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