The Day After | Teen Ink

The Day After

June 26, 2014
By ArianaOrne SILVER, Burlington, Massachusetts
ArianaOrne SILVER, Burlington, Massachusetts
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music." - Friedrich Nietzsche

And Still, A Year Later

Passion put down with a steel chain
And lost in crowds, misplaced the keys
Burning anger with anguished pain.

Built up to heights to fall in vain.
Worked so hard, to my knees,
A passion put down with a steel chain.

Pendulum swinging hung from a crane
Time ticks on, pendulum slow down please.
You speed up, slow down anguished pain.

I fight with doors on moving trains,
Zip by this mess of endless debris
Passion put down with a steel chain.

In dusty corners of the brain,
Old patterns now taken from me
Causing this feeling of anguished pain.

From this loss where is my gain?
Drowning in sorrows was meant to be
Passion, still desired yet clung to your chain
Holds and taunts me with anguished pain.

The author's comments:
A Villanelle!

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