Vengeance | Teen Ink


July 2, 2014
By Lilli_Jade628 BRONZE, Chrisman, Illinois
Lilli_Jade628 BRONZE, Chrisman, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Ice consumes the heart full of betrayal
Had it been a coffin, this would be the last nail
A villainess behind a mask of desire
A made up, overdressed, liar
Words slip from her tongue like dew from a leaf
She robs you of the truth without a drop of grief
Empty pockets, empty hearts, and empty dreams
Full belly, light as a feather, and torn at the seams
Clink, clink, clink, goes the stolen gold
Drip, drip, drip, go the tears of the untold
Greedy as can be
Eyes green with envy
A broken heart, known by none
Constantly on the run
A little black dress, hot pink lips, and a small suitcase
All used to get into your safe, behind the bookcase
She’s a gold digger, damaged and over it
Thrown out, walked on, and done with it
Fool her once shame on you
Never again will she be cheated, vengeance is due

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