The Old Oak Tree | Teen Ink

The Old Oak Tree

July 5, 2014
By Bethany_Saint GOLD, Dexter, Maine
Bethany_Saint GOLD, Dexter, Maine
14 articles 0 photos 90 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Never regret something that once made you smile." - Amber Deckers

"Stories are more than just images. As you continue in the tale, you get to know the characters, motivations and conflicts that make up the core of the story...." - Livia Blackburne

We met that glorious summer,

That summer long ago,

When I was only sixteen,

And she was a bit younger, only by a year or so.


We laughed and talked beneath that old oak tree,

Soon she became, to my surprise, everything to me.


We would always meet under that old oak tree,

The tree in the middle of the field my father had given to me.


We laughed and cried to each other there,

The smell of her sweet perfume blowing in the summer air.


I had never loved another person as I had loved her,

I wanted her to be mine and embrace life's challenges, together, me and her.


I asked her to be my wife, under that old oak tree,

I asked her to be mine for life, to belong only to me.


We set the date and we were wed, beneath that old oak tree,

Standing there in the summer air, for all our friends and family to see.


One day passed, and then another,

Soon I was a father and she a mother.


A beautiful daughter with her mother's golden hair,

Her eyes full of wonder, and her skin a color fair.


I watch over her from my palace in the clouds,

I comfort and console her in her moments of doubt.


I didn't want to leave her mother and her,

I can't stand watching them with pain in their eyes and minds all a stir.


I lost my life, I lost my wife, along with my daughter too,

The very last words I spoke to them were, "I love you too".


I watch over them from Heaven's perch,

I try to comfort them in their times of hurt.


Now I watch my daughter, oh so dear to me,

Sit with her own summer love under that old oak tree.


I have nothing against him for he is a very kind lad,

I can only hope and pray they'll have the love that her mother and I had.


Many a happy moment happened under that oak tree,

And every single one of them are very dear to me...

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