The Last Lesson | Teen Ink

The Last Lesson

July 30, 2014
By carly sponzo SILVER, North Reading, Massachusetts
carly sponzo SILVER, North Reading, Massachusetts
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“I suppose it is better,
To know that it’s done”,
Said she to no one who met her,
For she was the only one.

Indeed, it was done.
A great big strife.
Gone with the sun.
Only left was but a life.

Wondered, she wondered,
Over the ground,
Pondered, she pondered,
Every sound.

Last, the last soul in the world,
She built a boat,
With a sail unfurled!
And the last crackle heard from her throat:

I cannot change this awful wind with my wails,
But I surely can adjust the sails!
So, you see, in brutality,
Sometimes just what's needed is a change in personality!

The author's comments:
Sometimes in life, things go horribly wrong for many reasons. In these unfortunate situations, we feel like big changes need to happen to put everything back together again. However, some times the only change that needs to be made is a personal one.

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