August 14, 2014
By SonaliTW PLATINUM, New Amsterdam, Other
SonaliTW PLATINUM, New Amsterdam, Other
38 articles 4 photos 14 comments

With bated breath i wait,
for things in this life to change,
begging for my eyes to never lose sight, as i crawl on through the dark.

With bated breath i wait,
for the light to draw so near,
pleading for my soul to never lose hope, for this place is full of

With bated breath i wait,
for joy to cover up my hate,
in this place where iv been for so long,
nothing i do is right, everything is wrong.

The walls i built to seal them out, to keep me safe,
keep falling down like crumpling faith, ill stand my ground and rebuild
them up around.

And, when im done,
they'll have their fun,
the monsters,
as they raor, fight, and try to steal my life away.

Ill survive,
ill fight my way out of this place, ill make it.
ill reach the peak of this mountain,
that ive fallen down so many times.
knuckles and hands raw and sore from catching myself, with the weight
of the world pressing down upon my shoulders,
ill look out over everything, when im at the top,
ill close my eyes, and,
With bated breath ill wait,
for my new beginning.

The author's comments:
Life is what you make of it and we all need to rise up and reach the new peak as high as the mountains.

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