The Sunrise | Teen Ink

The Sunrise

October 10, 2014
By Natalia Kruszczak BRONZE, Omaha, Nebraska
Natalia Kruszczak BRONZE, Omaha, Nebraska
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was 7:00 AM and she jumped out of bed,
"I must see the sunrise," she whispered and said.
She put on a jacket and was out the door,
Trying to be quiet as her family snored.
She went to the top of a hill to see the great sight,
It didn't even bother her that the sun was so bright.
The sunrise was like a beautiful color galore,
"This is the most beautiful thing!" she swore.
She sat in the grass for a short while,
All she could possibly do was smile.
There was something so beautiful in this plain, simple creation,
Something magical that took away all of her frustration.
It was something she adored, her own little prize,
She couldn't imagine life without the beautiful sunrise.

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