God Is Good | Teen Ink

God Is Good

October 14, 2014
By MonicaCruz GOLD, Wilmington, Delaware
MonicaCruz GOLD, Wilmington, Delaware
14 articles 0 photos 1 comment

God Is Good

Deep inside
I explore to see
The good will
That God gave me

Deep inside I take a peek
And perceive the beauty I hold in
My heart is pure and full of grace
What a surprise I got His bless

I talk to Him when I am sad
I hear Him say it’ll be all right
I pray to God during the night
Because I know He has my back

He gives me comfort
And lots of peace
That’s why I’m always on my knees
Can’t complain for what He does
Because I feel all His support

I thank the Lord for who I am

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write about God because I am a Catholic and i feel that He is close to me. 

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