J. Stella | Teen Ink

J. Stella

January 2, 2009
By Jessica Mercado BRONZE, Carpentersville, Illinois
Jessica Mercado BRONZE, Carpentersville, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

He’s so cute
He left her mute
They just met
But she’s hard to forget

Get the courage to surrender a “hi”
Look in his eyes and know he’s the guy

Beautiful, behaved, and proper
But knows when to unbutton the top few
He doesn’t know how he got her
She’s waiting for his que

He still makes her nervous
And he has butterflies
He gives her purpose
And she gets lost in his eyes

He says he means forever
She hopes it’s not a lie
They want to be together
They want to laugh and cry

Now years later their love is at its high
They look into each other’s souls
And know they’ll never say goodbye

The author's comments:
To J.N.A. who always cures my writer's block.

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