A Pond of Memories | Teen Ink

A Pond of Memories

December 21, 2014
By Neil.V GOLD, Belleville, New Jersey
Neil.V GOLD, Belleville, New Jersey
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Long ago, in the garden of remembrance
resided a pond full of life and beauty.
Like the memories of loved ones, now in heaven,
fresh like the spring and pervasive within my mind.

It reflected the vividness of memories
like a mirror reflecting the not so distant past.
But with time came the death of this magical portal,
Unruly weeds grew fast and the water, murky.

The life and beauty was drained by the wildflowers,
the spring aroma and water drowned within haze.
Like the memories of loved ones, now in heaven,
sterile like the winter and blocked from my mind.

It consumes the vividness of memories
like a black void consuming light, leaving darkness.
And with time, came the death of beloved memories,
shards appearing, and the purity, infected.

Now in the garden of remembrance
resides a pond, barren and foul.

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