A Day Without You | Teen Ink

A Day Without You

January 16, 2015
By MeemNoshinNawalKhan BRONZE, Dhaka, Other
MeemNoshinNawalKhan BRONZE, Dhaka, Other
4 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.
-Lao Tze.

Pieces of gold pass leaves of trees,
The earth gets a golden glow,
Someone unseen runs alone,
Someone unseen walks away slow.
A familiar touch on petals-buds,
A lovely touch that soothes eye,
Wings of butterfly, wings of birds-
Colorful dreams- away they fly.
Sound of leaves and smell of wind,
Something beats a heart so fast,
Someone plays in the blue-white sky,
Colors of happiness covered in rust.

I walk alone, placing my eyes
Beyond the window, beyond the sky,
Never my tears reach my dreams,
I stand in sunlight letting them dry.
I hear the flowers, smell the sun,
Lose myself in evening dew,
Colors of evening turn black and white-
-A lifeless day without you.

The author's comments:

A lonely day of mine, just added spoons of imagination to cook a poem. :)

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