True Love | Teen Ink

True Love

January 18, 2015
By Riya Patel SILVER, South Plainfield, New Jersey
Riya Patel SILVER, South Plainfield, New Jersey
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My heart has brought me to the same place again,
Where the roads take me to where your love is present,
And it seems like my heart will not let me abstain.

Once again like before, let us get lost in Spain,
Where the fresh breeze of our love use to flow in a manner that was vibrant,
My heart has brought me to the same place again.

It reminds me of the time we spent in the rain,
I keep reminiscing about it, our first shared moment,
And it seems like my heart will not let me abstain.

It increases the pace of my heartbeats and I cannot restrain,
I get restless to see you again to my amazement,
My heart has brought me to the same place again.

My heart has gone insane,
Compelling me to come close to you again, with time becoming more vehement,
And it seems like my heart will not let me abstain.

But now that you are in heaven, I don’t how to come to that lane,
But I promise you, I will come to you as an achievement,
My heart has brought me to the same place again,
And it seems like my heart will not let me abstain.

The author's comments:

It is a villanelle inspired by a real life story. 

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