Sestina of The Sad Assassin Vol. I | Teen Ink

Sestina of The Sad Assassin Vol. I

February 11, 2015
By Gavin Stapley SILVER, Cedar City, Utah
Gavin Stapley SILVER, Cedar City, Utah
5 articles 1 photo 0 comments

I traveled the whole world for adventure
Gesture for the love of my simple life
I am the one with the easy quest
There’s nothing in my way besides a man
Would stop at nothing to defy my goal
Absolutely no chance that I would die

Nothing came even if I was to die
For my life is nothing but adventure
I will be the invulnerable man
Going to be Assassin is my quest
Even if it ended right now my life
would not be near the eternal end goal

I have no real future or foreseen goal
I will end up alone if I do die
Being alive is the real adventure
My soul does show I am that kind of man
To kill the living with pride is my quest
Not everyone deserves to enjoy a life

But with death comes a new chance for the life
You and I we both know my poignant goal
We know that someone in here needs to die
That is what I call complex adventure
For you are the one I seek lonely man
Melancholy of the forcible quest

Forlorn by the inevitable quest
Nothing but sorrow follows my blank life
After my life there is no adventure
For we will both unavoidably die
There is nothing left to complete my goal
You are nothing more than a dying man

Depressed knowing that I have killed a man
Initially I knew that was my quest
The epilogue of an entire grim life
Addendum my introductory goal
More than just a dreadful harrowing die
Left me dismay heartbroken adventure

You are not my last adventure, my good man
This is the end of your life, but not of my quest
My complete sad goal, who will be next to die

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