Boredom | Teen Ink


February 25, 2015
By Patience27 SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
Patience27 SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Something that comes so common,
So common tis’ not worthy to have a caution.
Harmless it seems makes it a surprise,
How it can be misfortune in disguise.
One, two, three seconds go,
Each second passes by so slow.
The longer you have it the more you feel insane,
Confused by the absurd thoughts that enter your brain.
Senseless ideas suddenly become reasonable,
Making one think they can achieve the unachievable.
Attempting the impossible only to receive pain,
Brings one back to being sane to realize boredom isn’t a fair gain.
Yet boredom is not completely depraved,
It is quite capable to leave one unscathed.
Magnificent ideas can come through boredom,
Though the amount of minds that notice this is quite seldom,
Creative minds use this time to create,
Using boredom as a way to innovate.
Boredom can be glorious or inglorious,
One choses for it to rise them up or drag them into an orifice.

The author's comments:

What inspired me to write this peice was that I was bored and noticed no one ever really emphaizes on the feeling of being bored.

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