Death | Teen Ink


January 11, 2009
By Julie Pak GOLD, Rochester, Michigan
Julie Pak GOLD, Rochester, Michigan
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A child wakes.
Family gets ready go to the hospital.
Trying to save his life, the girl prays
Before, he was in hospital, her grandpa spent day
with grandchildren.
Feeding animals and picking strawberries.
From fun to disaster, the girl hopes and wishes everything is fine.

The mother says that everything is okay.
The next day, the children
take a trip to a different country.
Far from reality, the girl laughs and jumps for joy.

Couple weeks later,
picks the phone, her mother.
Tells her about death of family member.
Clueless what to do, bawls her eyes out.

This trip was not suppose to be taken
but, mother thought it is to risky
to leave the children near their grandpa.
If the girl was near her grandpa then maybe
she would not feel this way and be able to get
that nothing could have changed reality.

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