Oh Freedom! | Teen Ink

Oh Freedom!

March 9, 2015
By MonicaCruz GOLD, Wilmington, Delaware
MonicaCruz GOLD, Wilmington, Delaware
14 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Oh Freedom!
Oh Freedom! Oh Freedom! Where have you been?
Please come and take me I don’t want to die in.
My life and hopes have been destroyed.
Why is life treating me like a toy?

Fiercely I want to escape this prison,
discrete I don’t want to say the reason. 
I’ve been living here full of fear;
that’s why I no longer want to stay here.

I’ve fought battles where I’ve been defeated
all my life I have been mistreated.
Inconceivably wrong I’ve been all this time,
it’s time for me to escape and soon shine.

Oh Freedom! Oh Freedom! Don’t hesitate.
Detect the wonders I will demonstrate.
Confidently I will show the world my influence.
Surely I can make a difference.

Things have been ridiculously insane
my arduous work will not be in vain.
Now I’m the one taking control
because I am not Three-fifths, I am a Whole.

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