Raindrops | Teen Ink


April 29, 2015
By heather444 SILVER, Shrewsbury, New Jersey
heather444 SILVER, Shrewsbury, New Jersey
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When God is sorrowful,

I shed through his eyes

As the glorious wails shriek

With all of his cries


Tension is released,

I fall slowly to the ground

With my dramatic style

And addictive sound


Umbrellas are opened

And your hearts close

Leaving me to plummet to the earth

Wherever the wind blows


To you, I am the enemy

I am known only to annoy

But you never stand outside and savor

My ignored and neglected joy


I want to land on your face

And absorb its exaggerated heat

I want you to feel the cold drip drop

Of me on your feet


You are too spoiled

You have never encountered true pain

Spend a day with the appreeciation I recieve

But you are too cool to just be rain


You humans are arrogant

You don't care about all of my magic

You don't want the comfort I offer you

So now, I've just had it


I won't keep your tap running

I won't fill your swimming pools

I won't run through your shower faucets

I'll make you humans look like fools


I won't fill the rivers

That quench your thirst

I won't water your plants

I'll make your life reversed


Without me, I will watch you

As the human race dies

I will evaporate into the air

I'll rise and rise


You'll wished you closed your umbrellas

You'll wish you appreciated me

You'll wish you realized the consequences

But you're dead, so we'll never see

The author's comments:

It was Earth Day and it was raining. People outside were carrying umbrellas, and whining about the weather. Then, I was thinking what would happen if the rain got so tired of the lack of appreciation, that he just stopped raining. That is what inspired me to write this poem.

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