The blue | Teen Ink

The blue

May 15, 2015
By linneahart33 SILVER, Spring, Texas
linneahart33 SILVER, Spring, Texas
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
-Be happiness itself-

With the feeling of hollow bones and a dull pain to subdue
There is a steady, longing pace in your heart, its beat a steel drum
Arms wrapped tight, I am here to comfort you


An empty world outside, uncaring, you know all too
Well the feeling of abandonment, the damage now numb
Looking up, you ponder the release of the cloudless blue


The ache and hate for yourself, this life, fastens its grip, its survivors few
You look about you and cannot find one thing you don’t wish to escape from
Arms wrapped tight, I am here to comfort you


Please, put it down, please do not hew
Tracing the flowing veins with your thumb
Planning to create running red from muffled blue


I hate what you’ve done in an attempt to renew
Taking the hum from your heart by giving your vessels a strum
But arms wrapped tight, I am here to comfort you.


I had high hopes and faith that you would pull through
With my promises that no outside harm would come
Arms wrapped tight, I am here to comfort you
Regardless of the means, I welcome you to my kingdom of blue.

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