Please come home | Teen Ink

Please come home

June 26, 2015
By Christabella SILVER, Olean, New York
Christabella SILVER, Olean, New York
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

You're never here with us

Yet I've never made a fuss

Mama says that you are a disgrace

She treats you like a diseased vampire race

Yet here I am calling out to you

I know you love us an I love you too

So please come back to our port

For the doctors say my life is short

I will soon be gone so please be quick

There goes the clock going "tick tock tick" 

The author's comments:

Have you ever wondered if you have enough time? Well I have since I'm always late, and I was just about to leave the doctors office form my yearly physical examination a few minutes or more from my last poem that i wrote. A girl who was all smile and laughter giggled at me out of the blue. We sat down and I asked her what was so funny and she doesn't even hide her reason. Sophia just says "I'm going to die in two years." casually. She said it as if it were nothing. She told me how time was truly something she was racing. Sophia told me that she didn't have any regrets, but one. Her father worked as a soldier and was over seas and she hadn't seen him in forever. She wanted to spend quality time with him, but her mom had divorced him after she knew that he wouldn't be with his children that much. Sophia said that no Skype or phone calls would be enough to replace the feeling of them being together in reality.

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