Invisible Mourning Dove | Teen Ink

Invisible Mourning Dove

July 10, 2015
By Bethany_Saint GOLD, Dexter, Maine
Bethany_Saint GOLD, Dexter, Maine
14 articles 0 photos 90 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Never regret something that once made you smile." - Amber Deckers

"Stories are more than just images. As you continue in the tale, you get to know the characters, motivations and conflicts that make up the core of the story...." - Livia Blackburne

I see you with her and how happy you two are

I only wish you knew that you're my lucky star


Falling for you was never in my plan

But now I have and love, to me, is a foreign land


If you only knew you were my everything

To you I am nothing but a bird who's afraid to sing


I am but a morning dove that everyone passes by

But no-one stops to listen to my mournful cries


I feel as though I am translucent and see-through

But I bet you see no-one anyways whenever she's with you


Her beauty is ineffable, that much is true

I guess I need more than a sense of humor to be visible to you


Everyone says you two are perfect and have a genuine love

While she is she,  I am me: the invisible mourning dove...

The author's comments:

I think it's rather pointless to try and explain the thoughts running through my head when I wrote this...  I may have thought I liked him, but there's was no way that I was going to change who I was to be accepted by him. He's better off with her anyways... 

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