I am from | Teen Ink

I am from

September 16, 2015
By Natedogg1234 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Natedogg1234 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from
Nate Schultz

I am from the 11 pm, spine-tingling Fridays
that pair demand, desire, and dedication with opportunity
and the bright lights shining upon the players

I’m from weekly planners
from Monday practices to Saturday mornings
and battling with preparation

I am from the hundred degree practices
and the frozen nights of late October with shivers and winter jackets
and not letting the freezing cold temperatures bother me

I’m from too-busy-for-church Sundays,
where the house is restless and never quiet,
and I’m always the #1 fan

I am from head-rattling Thanksgivings
where growing, feathery snow coats the open field of possibilities
and enjoys a pickup game of football

I’m from not accepting defeat when I fall to the ground
on that Friday as blood and sweat spill on the field
hark work and opportunity lead to victory

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