Bring Your Kid to Work Day | Teen Ink

Bring Your Kid to Work Day

September 24, 2015
By Anonymous

I ask, “Are we there yet?”
I hear Mom, “I can’t say.”

I read a G.P.S. We are close now.
I have a chance to see Dad’s job.

Greeted by Dad. Take a tour
Walking by rows of cubicles

Walk to a warehouse with metal rebar.
Dad scans his ID. We’re in.

The colors are drab, a bit boring.
Then I see the amazing attraction.

Inside is a matrix of technology,
unique or advanced electronic circuits.

Simple but intricate computation,
Moving or building for the sake of innovation. Remarkable.

My mind starts up its imagination,
seeing the robots work in cooperation.
Grinding metal down the aisle,
The sanded material in a pile.

Being in that room made me see,
How far humans have innovated technology.
Some people say we’ll lose our potential,
but our tour guide says they are essential.

Engineering is an art and a method.
You can’t create solutions, if problems aren't said.
There are rules you have to know,
an idea is useless if there’s nothing to show.

As I enter a trance of thought,
Reflecting of what I've seen

I stop listening to the tour.
My thinking rapidly slows down.

Dad has a meeting.
My tour is cut short.

Leaving the Building.
to go back to school.

I'll see you soon Dad.

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