Visitor | Teen Ink


February 1, 2009
By pastelpolice SILVER, Kansas City, Missouri
pastelpolice SILVER, Kansas City, Missouri
7 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Due to lack of interest tomorrow has been cancelled." -- Mike Nesmith

I am so very sorry,
but I do not have time to talk to you.
So sit on the couch
and stay out of my way.
I have to
The house has to be clean,
for I have a visitor coming.
And so the house has to be in tip-top shape.
Oh, please don't try to help!
You'll just get in the way.
I do not have time for mistakes.
I have to write letters to my family,
telling how much I love them.
I have to make sure the dog
has enough food and water.
Would you like to adopt him?

Please just be quiet.
I do not have time for questions.
I have to get dress.
The visitor is almost here.
It's a quarter til three.
Did the doorbell just ring?

Why do you look so surprise
as I answer the door?
Who do you think would visit me on a Sunday?
Why, the visitor is Death.
Dressed in black,
skeleton hands holding a gleaming scythe.
He would've visited yesterday,
but he had others to attend to.
He's a very busy man ' err, skeleton.

Well, I'm off now.
Will you please lock up the house before you leave?
Close your mouth, dear,
before flies move in.

Goodbye, goodbye.
And remember to take the dog with you.

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