Mary Loved the Stars | Teen Ink

Mary Loved the Stars

November 28, 2015
By Skyleigh BRONZE, Upland, California
Skyleigh BRONZE, Upland, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Mary loved the stars
Oh how she longed to stare at the stars
In a world built upon corruption,
where souls are the victim of the void
She avoided temptation-
by watching the night sky.

Mary loved the stars
She wished to stare at them her whole life long
She was determined
to have a career where she could see the stars
She wanted to be an astronaut.
“Not for you” her Mum would say.
“Not for you.”

Mary loved the stars
But her Mum had come down-
with the disease of practicality.
“Find a new dream”
Mum said.
“Find a new dream”

Mary loved the stars
was that not enough?
“But Mum” Mary said,
“If i chose to be something else,
you would not be right in calling it a dream
for i love the stars”.

Mary loved the stars
But her Mum did not
Mary could not comprehend
She was lonely
She was sad
She wanted to be no more

Mary loved the stars.

She is now a star.
Upon which you can see,
when you look up into the sky

Her Mum now studies the sky
where she sees her daughter each night
and whispers to the void-
“Mary loved the stars”

If you love the stars,
You are not alone.
If you love the stars,
you are destined to live a beautiful life
And if a time comes,
where you want to give up.
Look at the stars.

The author's comments:

This piece was completely inspired by the stars. It's fictional, but I feel the theme is appliable most all of the time. It is my hope that you are affected in some small way by the piece, and if you struggle yourself, may you have the courage to push forward and continue to live your life the way you wish. 

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