Someday | Teen Ink


December 10, 2015
By kaykayonfleek123 BRONZE, New York CIty, New York
kaykayonfleek123 BRONZE, New York CIty, New York
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Someday I will be noticed by the world

Someday I will stop being jugded for my looks

Someday I will do what I want to do

Someday I will go to Harvard

Someday I will stand up for Black Rights

someday I will show that Im important like everyone else.

The author's comments:

I wanted people to know that someday I hope these thing come true to me.Im only 12 years old and im already inspired to make things right for me and for everyone else.I want to show the world that any 12 year old like me can show the world they can do anything that they put their minds too.I go to a school called Excellence Girls Middle Academy in Brooklyn.Also,im a believer because I believe that I will get to Harvard.

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