I'll Try | Teen Ink

I'll Try

December 16, 2015
By Unmaiden BRONZE, Peru, Indiana
Unmaiden BRONZE, Peru, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"People who have been hurt are angels. they are fallen angels that just want to go back to heaven."

Only we are here.
Broken hallways led to empty rooms.
I saw you sitting, singing blues.
Glossy sheets and a baggy dress
White wall world and to me you face.
You saw everything change, you saw it all through in a short quick, glimpsed pace.
You wished you could see what it was like
My cracked camera and tiny mic.
Ill show you what this means to me.
To show you so, this world I see.
Pearl white ducks, and pink flamingoes.
Dreams of doves and dandelion dahlias.
Vanilla essence and strawberry pink rosette.
Twirling the world a beauty yet.
Such a sight to live to see.
Like a twirling leaf of red or green.
I am here.
I sit next to you.
I kiss you good night.
For there is no cure.
You only fight.
I will perhaps, just one more time.
Ill visit you, just wait, I promise.
That the day that comes ill see you again.
Ill try.

The author's comments:

this poem is about two friends, one who is sick and cannot leave the hospital, as their days near, their friend visits them, showing what happens outside the world

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