Because you are you | Teen Ink

Because you are you

December 29, 2015
By LauraS-C BRONZE, Townsville, Other
LauraS-C BRONZE, Townsville, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It is because you are you

because you are kind and caring

because you are there when others are not

because no matter what I do you do not judge


It is because you are you

because when I am sad you make me happy

because when I am confused you guide me

because when I am scared you protect me


It is because you are you

because you are you is the reason I love you

Because you were always there and always will be

because you raised me on your own


It is because you are you

I love you so much


It is because you are you

I am grateful for such a wonderful mother

The author's comments:

I wrote this for my mum who raised me on her her, although she did have support from her family. I love her so much and I wanted her to know why.

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