Life of a Freak pt2 | Teen Ink

Life of a Freak pt2

January 20, 2016
By Kayli213 BRONZE, Ionia, Michigan
Kayli213 BRONZE, Ionia, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You turn on the T.V and all you see or all you hear is someone being shot or someone killing themselves. There are people who can’t stand to see that but as the day goes by they face reality and think about the people who kill themselves because they were called names because they lived the life of a freak or that’s what they were told… Those were the kids who had a story to be told all they needed was someone to talk to. Someone who would listen.  As the day goes by they think about the people who are being shot they think why did those poor people deserve it? Well to tell you the truth they probably didn’t but if they assault someone or is coming at them with a knife its self-defense.  You see someone you love laying on the floor in a puddle of blood you try to help them up you try to do your best but it’s too late you have to face the reality of someone you love not needing your help anymore they have left you they left you to be in a better place. They loved you they told you so but in every shade of grey there is a story to be told a story of someone that was your hero someone who saved your life what do you think about that? That person that killed their self the person who was being shot or the person that was lying in a puddle of blood they all had a story to be told weather the people who killed themselves was because it made the pain go away or the people who were shot maybe they were trying to saved someone they loved or the poor people who got hurt so bad they laid in their own blood till they died maybe those people had no one maybe they had a lot maybe they were just protecting someone they loved or maybe they were protecting themselves from themselves.

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